FAQs About Running New ID

Most questions about running The New ID Course are answered in the Course Leader and Helper Manuals. But here are some other FAQs!


I haven’t struggled with an eating disorder, can I run New ID?

Yes! The New ID material does not demand that the course leader have gone through an eating disorder. A compassionate heart and a willingness to help those who struggle is the greatest gift to attendees. The New ID manuals guide the leader comprehensively through the course. However it is recommended, where possible, to recruit helpers who have been through an eating disorder, or who are still going through recovery. Attendees like to meet someone who have been where they are. This makes the course very ‘real’ and not just ‘academic’ for them.


Do I need to have some training as a counselor to run the Course?

No. New ID is designed for lay members of the church to run. New ID is not treatment or therapy for eating disorders. Generally, the skills needed include the ability to lead, some organizational skills (or access to them), the ability to facilitate discussion, some experience in prayer ministry (or access to it), and a compassionate heart for those struggling. We would however, recommend that you have a list of local counselors on hand should attendees need their services.


Do I need to be free of an Eating Disorder to lead a New ID Course?

No, you do not need to be free to run New ID but we would recommend that you are in a stable place in your life, actively pursuing recovery and under church supervision. New ID firmly believe that you can ‘give away what you have,’ that you have a lot to give as someone who understands the attendees’ struggle. It is recommended that you build excellent support around you before, during and after the course.


How much of my time will the course take up?

There are six evenings for the course, plus a training for your helpers prior to the start of your course. You would need to allow plenty of time to plan ahead, go through the Course Leader guide and materials, talk to your church, book your location, recruit helpers, and advertise your course to get attendees. Ideally this should begin at least six to eight weeks before your scheduled start date.


How many helpers would I need to run New ID?

It is good to gather at least two or three as a starting point (for a course of 15-20 people). The number of helpers needed will obviously depend on the size of your course attendance.


I am nervous of running the discussion group. What advice can you give me?

You do not need to have all the answers! The discussion group provides a forum for attendees to ask questions, reflect on the talk and listen to the other attendees. Therefore, your main job as course leader is to facilitate the discussion. Additionally, the helpers manual contains weekly discussion group questions to steer the conversation. It is worth noting that the attendees do not often get a chance to talk about these issues openly and this time is invaluable to them. You will find many of them will have plenty to say!


How can you deal with those struggling with binge eating disorder and those with anorexia or bulimia on the same course?

New ID addresses all three eating disorders on the same course because even though each eating disorder has a different behavior pattern, the root causes are the same. New ID always sees a mix of people struggling with all three eating disorders on the course.


Can I run the New ID Course over a weekend or, say, over 12 weeks?

New ID is designed to be run over six weeks. The attendees would be overwhelmed with information if delivered over a shorter period of time, so that is not recommended. And equally importantly, the weekly interval is necessary for attendees to digest the teaching for that week. Conversely, to extend the length of the course would involve breaking up the material which it is not designed for. And you run the risk of losing the attendees commitment.


What should I do if I have other questions about the New ID Course?

The first place to start is always the Course Leader Manual. Do read through that carefully, and you will find answers to many if not all of your questions! But if you still have other questions, email us at:
