Snapshot of the New ID Course

The New ID Course is about bringing people out of isolation. It's a catalyst for change, the beginning of the journey towards freedom. People have attended New ID in churches in countries like England, the USA, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland and Spain.

The New ID Course is designed to be run in a group setting. The Course runs over six weeks, each session taking a little over two hours. Every week starts with a video testimony of someone who has struggled with an eating disorder, often people who have fully recovered. That’s followed by a 30 minute video teaching. Then, there is a discussion group and prayer. You can watch sample videos from the New ID Course below, read testimonials from those who have attended the Course here, or find out more about the founder Kim Hemsley here.

Sample Videos

The 6 Weeks

Week 1: What are eating disorders and what is freedom?

Week 2: Addictions and our identity in Christ

Week 3: Dealing with emotional issues

Week 4: Depression and loneliness

Week 5: Nutrition and the mind

Week 6: Moving on

Get Help Running New ID

New ID provides comprehensive materials to run the Course including DVDs of all Talks and Testimonies, Course Leader and Helper Manuals, weekly Attendee Course Notes, and Talk Scripts.

The New ID Course can be led by anyone regardless of experience, and can be run entirely from the DVDs or in conjunction with ‘live’ testimonies and scripted talks.

The Course is based on Christian teachings but takes an holistic approach including the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of recovery. It is applicable to everyone, regardless of faith. 

The course materials were created by Kim Hemsley in collaboration with two counselors and a nutritionist. You can meet Kim here, and read more about the other contributors here.

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